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Moon Phase Maps


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These posters are great for your observatory wall, computer room, study or even your school. What you get:

  1. Plastic Moon Map Poster – on one side, the Moon Map. On the other side, a montage of the Moon Phases.
  2. A bonus paper Moon Map Poster.

The Moon Map is based on a high resolution mosaic image created from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter images. All easily identifiable objects are named; craters, minor craters, seas, mountains, rilles, faults, valleys and domes. Yellow text has been used so that it stands out against white and black backgrounds. The Moon Map also features a crater index and an image of the Full Moon with ray craters and other features identified.

The Moon Phase Maps (reverse of the Moon Map on the plastic sheet) feature 18 images of the waxing Moon with features marked along the terminator, the line between night and day on the Moon. These provide a better idea of how the Moon actually appears from day to day.

The maps are designed for Southern Hemisphere orientation (south up) but can still be used in the Northern hemisphere.

Additional information

Weight 0.190 kg
Dimensions 33 × 23 × 0.5 cm
Closed Size

Open Size


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